My Story
You might be reading some of my posts on how to become stronger, more disciplined, how to get in shape, or handle relationships, and you’re wondering:
What’s my background? Why should you listen to me?
Well, I don’t have any formal qualifications. I’m not a doctor or a life coach. I haven’t made millions, and I’m not the world’s greatest athlete.
What I am is someone who’s been through the trenches.
I grew up in a broken home filled with arguments and chaos. I’ve faced addiction - alcohol, cocaine, you name it.
And I beat it.
I lost my girlfriend of seven years to brain cancer, out of absolutely nowhere.
But I got through it.
I also built a globally distributed magazine that brought in £20K a month, only to lose it all.
But I’m still standing.
I’ve been through my share of rough relationships and breakups, heartbreak after heartbreak.
And now, I’m in a happy, healthy relationship.
In short: I’ve learned a lot over the years, through the highs and lows of life as a young man. And now I’m sharing what I know.
I want to help young men avoid the mistakes I made, and become better, stronger, and more capable. Whether it’s in the gym, in relationships, or in life.
I’ve been there, and I’m here to guide you through it.
That is, without all the wishy-washy self-improvement BS you usually see online. Just a normal lad, on his own personal development journey, helping you along the way.
It can be lonely for us men at times. So let’s improve together.